The Saudi mega city project, also known as NEOM, is a large-scale urban development project that aims to create a new, sustainable city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The project was announced in 2017 by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, who envisioned it as a city that will serve as a hub for advanced technology, renewable energy, and advanced manufacturing. NEOM is planned to be built in an area of 26,500 square kilometers (10,230 square miles) that stretches into Jordan and Egypt. This project is considered one of the most ambitious and expensive urban development projects in the world.

The goal of NEOM is to create a city that is powered entirely by renewable energy and utilizes cutting-edge technology to create a smart, connected environment. The city is expected to have a population of around 1 million people, and will be designed to attract investment, businesses, and talent from around the world. The project aims to become a model for sustainable living and to set a new standard for urban development.

One of the key features of NEOM is its focus on renewable energy. The city is expected to be powered entirely by renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. This will not only help to reduce the city's carbon footprint, but it will also make it a leader in sustainable energy production. Additionally, the city will also have a focus on advanced transportation, including self-driving cars and high-speed trains. This will help to reduce congestion and improve mobility within the city.

Another important aspect of NEOM is its focus on advanced technology. The city will be designed to be a smart city, with advanced technology such as internet of things (IoT) and 5G networks. This will allow for the integration of various systems, such as transportation, energy, and communications, to create a more efficient and connected environment. Additionally, the city will also be designed to attract high-tech companies and start-ups, which will help to drive innovation and economic growth.

The NEOM project also aims to create a city that is designed to attract investment, businesses, and talent from around the world. The city will offer a variety of incentives for businesses, such as tax breaks and streamlined regulations. Additionally, the city will be designed to be a place where people want to live and work. The city will offer a high standard of living, with excellent public services and a wide range of recreational and cultural activities.

In order to achieve these ambitious goals, the Saudi government has committed to investing $500 billion in the project over the next 10 years. This funding will be used to build the infrastructure and facilities needed to support the city, such as housing, transportation systems, and public parks. Additionally, the government has also set up a special purpose vehicle, the NEOM Company, to oversee the development and operation of the city.

Despite all the ambitious plans and funding, NEOM has faced some challenges and criticism. Some experts and analysts have raised concerns about the feasibility of the project, given the technical and financial challenges involved. The project also faced some environmental challenges, as the location of the project is in a desert area, and the development of a city from scratch could put a strain on the local ecosystem. Furthermore, the project faced some criticism regarding the human rights record of the Saudi government, and the potential negative impact of the project on the local population.

In conclusion, the NEOM mega city project is one of the most ambitious and expensive urban development projects in the world. The project aims to create a new, sustainable city that will serve as a hub for advanced technology, renewable energy, and advanced manufacturing. The city will be powered entirely by renewable energy, utilize cutting-edge technology to create a smart, connected environment,

The Saudi mega city project, also known as NEOM, has several potential advantages. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Economic growth: The project aims to create a city that will attract investment, businesses, and talent from around the world. This could lead to significant economic growth and job creation in the region.
  • Sustainable living: The project aims to create a city that is powered entirely by renewable energy and utilizes cutting-edge technology to create a smart, connected environment. This will set a new standard for sustainable living and reduce the city's carbon footprint.
  • Advanced technology: NEOM will be designed to be a smart city, with advanced technology such as internet of things (IoT) and 5G networks. This will allow for the integration of various systems and drive innovation and economic growth.
  • Improved transportation: The city will also have a focus on advanced transportation, including self-driving cars and high-speed trains. This will help to reduce congestion and improve mobility within the city.
  • High standard of living: The city will offer a high standard of living, with excellent public services and a wide range of recreational and cultural activities.
  • New business and investment opportunities: This project will open new business and investment opportunities in various fields like renewable energy, advanced transportation, and technology.
  • Regional development: The project will cover an area of 26,500 square kilometers (10,230 square miles) that stretches into Jordan and Egypt, this could have a positive impact on the regional development and help to increase the economic integration in the area.
  • Global recognition: The NEOM project has the potential to put Saudi Arabia on the map as a leader in urban development and sustainable living, and could attract international attention and investment.


The Saudi mega city project, also known as NEOM, is expected to utilize several types of technology in order to create a smart, connected, and sustainable environment. Some of the key types of technology that are expected to be used in the project include:

  • Renewable energy: The project aims to create a city that is powered entirely by renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): NEOM will be designed to be a smart city, with advanced technology such as IoT to connect and integrate various systems, such as transportation, energy, and communications.
  • 5G networks: 5G networks will be implemented to support high-speed and low-latency communication, which will enable advanced transportation, smart buildings, and other IoT-enabled applications.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI will be used to optimize city systems, such as transportation, energy, and public services.
  • Robotics and Automation: Robotics and automation will be used in various fields like transportation, construction, and manufacturing.
  • Blockchain: Blockchain technology will be used to secure data and transactions in various areas such as energy management and supply chain management.
  • Biometrics: Biometric technologies will be used for security and access control in the city.
  • Advanced transportation: The city will also have a focus on advanced transportation, including self-driving cars, drones, and high-speed trains.
  • Smart buildings: Smart buildings will be used to optimize energy usage, improve comfort, and enhance security.
  • Virtual and augmented reality: Virtual and augmented reality will be used in the design and planning stages of the city, as well as in education, entertainment, and tourism.

These are some of the key technologies that are expected to be used in the NEOM mega city project. The project will continue to explore new and innovative technologies to achieve its ambitious goals, and that may also include other types of technology in the future.